We offer a range of septic tank de-sludging services to customers who own a private septic tank which takes standard waste, such as sewage and waste water, where suitable tanker access is provided.

If you meet all of our basic conditions the standard charges shown below will apply. 

If you do not meet all of our basic conditions, we may still be able to de-sludge your tank, but not at the standard rates shown below.

Criteria includes:

  • weight and manageability of the lid of your tank (i.e. capable of being moved or lifted by one person).  
  • position of your tank (i.e. accessibility and/or distance and height from the tanker). 
  • vehicle access and parking facilities.  
  • tank is in good working order and is free of damage. 

Please note this is not an exhaustive list and other factors may apply. 

For further details of our basic conditions or any further information about septic tanks please call our Customer Helpline on 0800 0778778.  

Customers are reminded that Scottish Water reserves the right to refuse the de-sludging of a septic tank if the conditions are not met and the situation is considered unsafe.  

Furthermore, if lids are not readily accessible, not free from any apparent damage, or not seized or locked in position we will not be liable for any damage caused.   

All charges below are based on one tank being de-sludged. If you need multiple tanks on your property de-sludged at the same time we will provide an estimate prior to any service being delivered.


Household Septic Tank De-sludging Charges from the 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 are as follows:

Household Charges

Scheduled £245.60 
Unscheduled £340.90
Urgent response £492.00 or actual cost if this is more


These household charges apply to a single household septic tank, serving up to 5 houses and up to a capacity of 9 m3  (9,000 litres), that meets all the basic conditions. 


Business Septic Tank De-sludging Charges from the 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 are as follows:

Business Charges

Scheduled £245.60
Unscheduled £340.90
Urgent response £492.00 or actual cost if this is more


These business charges apply to a single business septic tank up to a capacity of 9 m3  (9,000 litres). Provided the tank does not take industrial waste, that meets all the basic conditions.

Additional Charges 

There will be an additional charge where the volume is greater than 9 m3 , and this is based per m3 or part thereof. 
Additional charge per m3: £34.40

We may impose a charge if our visit is abortive - that is, if we arrive at the property but can't de-sludge the septic tank for reasons beyond our control.

Charge for abortive visit:   £97.60

VAT will be added where applicable. 

For more full information and available services, see our section on Septic Tanks